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—  What is an Aura?  —

Your energy introduces you before you even speak.


An Aura is the colorful and powerful energy field that extends around your body and is made up traditionally of at least 7 chakras (the energy centers inside your body that start at the base of your spine and go all the way up to the crown of your head) and 7 layers of the auric field. Auras can reflect full and bright, with orbs and rays showing guidance and connection, and it can also show when the aura is depleted or might be holding trauma. Auras indicate mood, health and our personalities and traits. A healthy aura will be made up of one or more colors and will vary in color and intensity. Aura photos can detect drained energy and blockages depending on the color and size of the aura as well. Auras can also show guides, angels, cosmic or ancestral connections in the form of rays of light and/or orbs around your energy field.

Your personal space, having a perceived feeling or vibe about a place or person, or how you attract/retract others are all ways that you can feel yourself using your energy and aura. These are parts of your energy field that you can sense. With practice, the aura can be detected by anyone clairsentiently or clairvoyantly!

We get asked often what if I have a negative or black aura? And the answer is: That’s not possible! Your natural energy state is always moving and shifting. Black is not a color energy itself, its lack of energy as it is flux when the picture is taken. Colors themselves are not good or bad, they are a reflection of where you are energetically in that exact moment. When we see darkness around someone it is because they are lacking energy, not because they are showing negative energy. The background is black; therefore, the black is coming from the background, not the person. And we see those often (including our own aura photos). When we see this, we understand that this is an opportunity to restore balance and health back into the auric field. We can help with suggestions on energy work, grounding and healing tools that can be helpful to your particular colors.


—  How do we capture it?  —

What is Kirlian photography?

What is Kirlian photography?

Kirlian photography is a way to create images of coronal discharges around an object. A coronal discharge is an electrical discharge caused by the ionization of gas or fluid surrounding an object. These discharges often look like an energy field or a halo around the subject, so some people consider Kirlian photos a kind of aura photography. To achieve the halo effect, the photographer lays an object onto an electrified photographic plate or film. This model was used when these cameras were created. They take the electrodermal readings from the silver on the plates and they pick up on your vibrational state. The vibration and the electricity create an image of the energy around your body and the long exposure film creates an image of the aura itself.
The aura portrait is captured on Fuji Instax wide film with the AuraCam6000, which was created in the early 70’s as its seen today. The idea of the camera dates back to 1939 with Kirlian Photography using silver plates and bio feedback. The silver hand sensors measure the electro-dermal feedback and temperature readings in the hands and in the same points that reflexology points are traditionally measured. That information transfers the image of the aura over your portrait during the long exposure photography process and the color is revealed.